Chamamos a atenção de todos os xadrezista para o arranque do novo ciclo da TAÇA DO MUNDO, que terá o seu iníco em meados deste ano.
As inscrições para a fase Preliminar terminam a 30 de Abril.
Leia toda a informações já a seguir, no comunicado da Federação Internacional (ICCF).
Pedro Soberano
Tuesday, January 27, 2009: The International Correspondence Chess Federation is delighted to announce the Spanish Correspondence Chess Association as the main organiser of the ICCF World Cup XVII Tournament.
The tournament will be played exclusively on ICCF Webserver, in three stages, and will start on June 1st, 2009. Registration will begin 25.01.2009 and will close on 30.04.2009 to allow for pairings. All chess players are heartily invited to enter; multiple entries will be possible for the Preliminary stage.
Preliminary groups will all have 7-11 players, each with one game against each other player in the group (round robin tournament), with the winners of each group qualifying for the Semi-final stage. Other qualifications will depend on the number of entries for the Preliminary stage. Any tie breaking, necessary to decide qualification to the next phase, will be done in accordance with ICCF rules, principally by use of the Sonneborn-Berger method.
Arrangements for the Semi-final/Final stages will be announced later, depending on the total number of entries and the preferred playing method of those entering the Preliminaries.
Allocation of players to the Preliminary and Semi-final groups will be made as random as possible; however, geographical distribution as well as an achievement of reasonable equality of the average rating, will be taken into account.In addition, those players who qualified for World Cup XV and XVI Finals will also be entitled to play in the Semi-final stage of World Cup XVII and the winners of WC XV and XVI Finals will be eligible to participate in World Cup Final XVII.
Although the number of Preliminary groups for each player is unlimited, no player will be able to qualify for more than two Semi-final groups or for more than one place in the Final.
Winners of Preliminary and Semi-final groups will receive book prizes. It is intended that a cash prize of 1000 Swiss Francs will be awarded to the winner of World Cup XVII, with a trophy and gold medal. Also, there will be prizes of 600 Swiss Francs to the silver medallist and 400 Swiss Francs to the bronze medallist. The above prize money is subject to the formal approval of the ICCF Congress 2009 in Leeds.
The following qualifications can be achieved in the Final:
- the winner of the World Cup Final XVII will qualify for the Final of the next World Cup Tournament (ICCF Tournament Rules, Article 3.6) and will gain the IM title (ICCF Tournament Rules, Article 8.6.c)
- all participants in the Final will qualify for the Semi-final of the next World Cup Tournament (ICCF Tournament Rules, Article 3.6)
- the top two finishers in the Final will qualify for the Candidates’ Tournament of the World CC Championship if the category of the Final is 7 or above (ICCF Tournament Rules, Article 1.3.1.e).
- all participants in the Final who score at least 60% of the possible points and/or the top two finishers (if the category of the Final is 6 or below) will qualify for the Semi-final of the World CC Championship (ICCF Tournament Rules, Article 1.2.2.e).
The Spanish Correspondence Chess Association has appointed:
Cecilio Hernáez Fernández
as the Central Tournament Leader (CTL) of this tournament. He will be assisted by a team of Tournament Directors. The appeal instances are the ICCF Appeals Commission (Playing Rules) for cases concerning the application of ICCF Playing Rules, and ICCF Appeals Commission (Other ICCF Rules) for cases concerning the application of Tournament Rules, Code of Conduct and any other rules matters, not covered elsewhere.
Entries (to include the ID-number from the ICCF rating system, name and email address) should be submitted via national CC Federations.
Direct Entries via will be accepted from qualified players.
Entry fee for National Federations is 20 CHF per player with the total fee to be settled by national correspondence chess federations with ICCF in the framework of their year 2009 Statement of Account on the 31st December 2009. The Direct Entry fee is calculated based on method of payment and currency used. The actual DE total will be presented to the DE player during the DE registration process.
Applications via national correspondence chess federations must reach the CTL no later than 30th April 2009, preferably by email. We ask that first applications be sent as soon as possible and thereafter on a weekly basis.
We wish all participants many interesting games and new connections with CC friends in other countries, based on the spirit of friendship and the ICCF motto:
Frank Geider
World Tournament Director
Valer Eugen Demian
Non-Title Tournaments Commissioner
Cecilio Hernáez Fernández
Central Tournament Leader
sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009
domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009

Lembramos que este Torneio Memorial é uma prova por equipas, destinada a jogadores com elo inferior a 2000 - 1 dos jogadores da equipa poderá ter um elo compreendido entre [2000; 2099] - e jogado pelo correio, sendo portanto a transmissão dos lances realizada através dos tradicionais postais dos CTT.
Aguardamos então que nos contacte mais um jogador (inscrições para o responsável da CNXC Pedro Soberano, e-mail: e assim possamos inscrever a equipa portuguesa nesta competição.
Pedro Soberano
ICCF-Europa invites entries from member Federations to this team tournament, to be played by post, dedicated to the memory of the long serving ICCF European Tournament Director Gerhard Radosztics (AUT), who died on 12.01.2007.
The event will be organised along similar lines to the European Team Championships where each member federation may enter one team (of 4 players).
The closing date for entries is 5 February 2009 and play is scheduled to commence on 15 March 2009.
Players must have an ELO rating in October 2008 ICCF Rating List less than 2000; it’s allowed just one player with an ELO rating from 2000 to 2099. Unrated players will be listed with an ELO of 1800.
The tournament will be held over two stages with both Preliminary and Final sections having –if possible- not less than 7 and not more than 9 teams. Players whose ratings increase to over 2099 following the Preliminary section will still be eligible to participate in the Final but any replacement players may be rated not higher than 2099.
Entries should be submitted not later than 5 February 2009 to the Zonal Director, Gian-Maria Tani,
All entries should include the following details:
names, ICCF codes, postal addresses of the players in the team ;
board order ;
name, postal and e-mail address of the Team Captain.
There is no entry fee for this tournament.
Amici sumus.
Gian-Maria Tani
ICCF-EuropA Zonal Director
ICCF-Europa invites entries from member Federations to this team tournament, to be played by post, dedicated to the memory of the long serving ICCF European Tournament Director Gerhard Radosztics (AUT), who died on 12.01.2007.
The event will be organised along similar lines to the European Team Championships where each member federation may enter one team (of 4 players).
The closing date for entries is 5 February 2009 and play is scheduled to commence on 15 March 2009.
Players must have an ELO rating in October 2008 ICCF Rating List less than 2000; it’s allowed just one player with an ELO rating from 2000 to 2099. Unrated players will be listed with an ELO of 1800.
The tournament will be held over two stages with both Preliminary and Final sections having –if possible- not less than 7 and not more than 9 teams. Players whose ratings increase to over 2099 following the Preliminary section will still be eligible to participate in the Final but any replacement players may be rated not higher than 2099.
Entries should be submitted not later than 5 February 2009 to the Zonal Director, Gian-Maria Tani,
All entries should include the following details:
names, ICCF codes, postal addresses of the players in the team ;
board order ;
name, postal and e-mail address of the Team Captain.
There is no entry fee for this tournament.
Amici sumus.
Gian-Maria Tani
ICCF-EuropA Zonal Director
quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

O Senior Master Gustavo Morais, natural da Marinha Grande, é um dos mais experientes e categorizados jogadores portugueses da actualidade, contando com uma vasta experiência internacional, com mais de 4 centenas de partidas disputadas.
A sua presença nesta FINAL da Taça do Mundo de Veteranos está, naturalmente, a criar justas expectativas, augurando-se um bom desempenho, aliás ao nível do que Gustavo Morais nos vem habituando.
A CNXC deseja a este nosso jogador as maiores felicidades nesta Final.
domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2009

Figura incontornável do xadrez por correspondência português, o Sr. Fausto Machado foi, por duas vezes, Campeão Nacional de Veteranos, para além de participar regularmente em diversos torneios organizados pela CNXC e ICCF.
Apesar de contar já com 82 anos, o Sr. Fausto sempre demonstrou enorme vitalidade, sendo um elemento muito activo desta Comissão. De trato extremamente amável e jovial, soube granjear, ao longo da sua longa carreira desportiva, uma enorme simpatia e amizade à sua volta, deixando, em todos nós, uma imensa saudade.
Obrigado, Mestre Fausto Machado.
sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

O ano de 2009 não podia começar melhor para o Xadrez por Correspondência português!
António Silva, valoroso xadrezista do Porto, acaba de obter a sua terceira norma de Grande-Mestre (GM) e com ela alcança, de forma brilhante e pleno direito, o título máximo do xadrez mundial.
As normas para título de GM foram obtidas nos seguintes torneios:
Em 2004, iniciou-se no Xadrez por Correspondência, tendo participado já em diversos torneios internacionais e representado o nosso país, ao nível de Selecção, em vários eventos, nomeadamente, em Campeonatos da Europa e nas Olimpíadas.
Ao novo titulado endereçamos as nossas mais vivas felicitações.
António Silva, valoroso xadrezista do Porto, acaba de obter a sua terceira norma de Grande-Mestre (GM) e com ela alcança, de forma brilhante e pleno direito, o título máximo do xadrez mundial.
As normas para título de GM foram obtidas nos seguintes torneios:
- 35 years CXEB (Brazil) - Group B - 10 pontos em 13 possíveis
- Interzonal 2006 (Europe A) - board 4 - 7/10
- AEAC 5 years (España) - Alcazaba - 8,5/14 (faltando ainda terminar uma partida)
Em 2004, iniciou-se no Xadrez por Correspondência, tendo participado já em diversos torneios internacionais e representado o nosso país, ao nível de Selecção, em vários eventos, nomeadamente, em Campeonatos da Europa e nas Olimpíadas.
Ao novo titulado endereçamos as nossas mais vivas felicitações.
Parabéns GM António Silva!
quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009
Torneio "Gerhard Radosztics" (por Correio) - Há 2 vagas por preencher

No início de Fevereiro terminam as inscrições para o Torneio "Gerhard Radosztics", prova por equipas nacionais a 4 tabuleiros, que será jogada pelo Correio (por postal ou carta).
Chamamos a atenção dos nossos xadrezistas para o facto deste torneio se destinar a jogadores com um Rating inferior a 2000 (ou sem rating). Na equipa, de 4 elementos, apenas um jogador poderá ter um elo compreendido entre [2000; 2099].
Neste momento, temos já 2 jogadores inscritos, faltando, portanto, outros dois para que Portugal possa estar representado nesta prova.
Aguardamos, pois, a sua inscrição.
Pedro Soberano
ICCF-Europa invites entries from member Federations to this team tournament, to be played by post, dedicated to the memory of the long serving ICCF European Tournament Director Gerhard Radosztics (AUT), who died on 12.01.2007.
The event will be organised along similar lines to the European Team Championships where each member federation may enter one team (of 4 players).
The closing date for entries is 5 February 2009 and play is scheduled to commence on 15 March 2009.
Players must have an ELO rating in October 2008 ICCF Rating List less than 2000; it’s allowed just one player with an ELO rating from 2000 to 2099. Unrated players will be listed with an ELO of 1800.
The tournament will be held over two stages with both Preliminary and Final sections having –if possible- not less than 7 and not more than 9 teams. Players whose ratings increase to over 2099 following the Preliminary section will still be eligible to participate in the Final but any replacement players may be rated not higher than 2099.
Entries should be submitted not later than 5 February 2009 to the Zonal Director, Gian-Maria Tani,
All entries should include the following details:
names, ICCF codes, postal addresses of the players in the team ;
board order ;
name, postal and e-mail address of the Team Captain.
There is no entry fee for this tournament.
Amici sumus.
Gian-Maria Tani
ICCF-Europa Zonal Director
Chamamos a atenção dos nossos xadrezistas para o facto deste torneio se destinar a jogadores com um Rating inferior a 2000 (ou sem rating). Na equipa, de 4 elementos, apenas um jogador poderá ter um elo compreendido entre [2000; 2099].
Neste momento, temos já 2 jogadores inscritos, faltando, portanto, outros dois para que Portugal possa estar representado nesta prova.
Aguardamos, pois, a sua inscrição.
Pedro Soberano
ICCF-Europa invites entries from member Federations to this team tournament, to be played by post, dedicated to the memory of the long serving ICCF European Tournament Director Gerhard Radosztics (AUT), who died on 12.01.2007.
The event will be organised along similar lines to the European Team Championships where each member federation may enter one team (of 4 players).
The closing date for entries is 5 February 2009 and play is scheduled to commence on 15 March 2009.
Players must have an ELO rating in October 2008 ICCF Rating List less than 2000; it’s allowed just one player with an ELO rating from 2000 to 2099. Unrated players will be listed with an ELO of 1800.
The tournament will be held over two stages with both Preliminary and Final sections having –if possible- not less than 7 and not more than 9 teams. Players whose ratings increase to over 2099 following the Preliminary section will still be eligible to participate in the Final but any replacement players may be rated not higher than 2099.
Entries should be submitted not later than 5 February 2009 to the Zonal Director, Gian-Maria Tani,
All entries should include the following details:
names, ICCF codes, postal addresses of the players in the team ;
board order ;
name, postal and e-mail address of the Team Captain.
There is no entry fee for this tournament.
Amici sumus.
Gian-Maria Tani
ICCF-Europa Zonal Director
quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2009
Jogadora MARIA DO CARMO GIL - Esclarecimento

Presentemente, a senhora Maria do Carmo Gil pertence aos quadros da Federação Alemã de Xadrez, onde desempenha funções de coordenação do xadrez postal feminino.
O facto desta jogadora ter acedido ao nosso convite e estar, neste momento, integrada na equipa de Portugal que joga a Final da Olimpíada Feminina, é um facto que nos enche de satisfação.
Nos contactos que mantivemos, e apesar de estar - como dissemos já - há muitos anos afastada do nosso país, a senhora Maria do Carmo Gil sempre demonstrou grande disponibilidade em ajudar a CNXC (deu um contributo muito importante na organização do recente Match Amigável Portugal vs. Alemanha) e é com enorme orgulho que está a representar o nosso país, o "seu" Portugal do coração.
Pedro Soberano
Mensagens (Atom)