Assim, no torneio que será disputado através do ICCF Webserver, existem 2 vagas na selecção do Resto do Mundo que serão preenchidas por jogadores portugueses, com rating entre os [2400 ; 1600].
Será também disputada uma série através do tradicional "correio" (bilhete postal). Aqui Portugal poderá inscrever 1 jogador.
Todos os interessados em participar nesta prova, de inscrição gratuita, deverão contactar o responsável da CNXC: Pedro Soberano jpsoberano@netcabo.pt
Dear chessfriend,As part of its 30th Anniversary celebrations, the Scottish CCA is organising a friendly match “Scottish CCA v. Rest of the World” which we hope to start on 1st May 2008. It is hoped that there will be some 40 boards played on the ICCF server with another 15 or so played by post. It is anticipated that the ratings of the participants will range from 2400 down to 1600 and wherever possible players will be paired with opponents of approximately equal strength. The match will be of the usual “friendly international” format with 2 games played simultaneously on each board.
Accordingly, I should like to invite you to nominate 2 server players from your National Federation to participate in this event. I would request that, if possible, you provide nominees rated approximately 2000 to 2200 Also, it would be appreciated if you could also provide nomination of a postal player rated between 2000 to 2200
Thank-you in anticipation of your friendly support.
Best regards, amici sumus
George Pyrich
Vice-President & ICCF Delegate,
Scottish CCA
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